Interior Ideas

All things white, that is what we like! Down couches, dutch mints, vanilla candles, white pear tea;bell jars, chandeliers and bottle brush trees…Glass, glitter, old and new; gold, pearls, paper, silver hues. From french to flea market, second hand too, treasures we find to bring them to you. Blank canvas’ waiting to be brought to life-Anyone can do it grandma, mother, daughter or wife. More color suits your palette? Well white is just the start…add as much as you desire, whatever fills your heart! Come along experience, no need to travail, as we simply show you how to unveilthe beauty unknown in how to make your house, your home.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lil Halloween Poms

See I told you that I had a love for these lil poms. Im not quite sure why they bring me so much joy to create but they surely do. I made these to embellish a halloween tree. They can even be attached to a candy package for a special friend. I will attempt at making some larger poms tomorrow with the same prints.

I hope these get you in the spirit for Trick or Treating!


  1. So tiny, but such sweet details. They are precious Aubrey :-)

  2. These are just the sweetest little bits of beauty and creativity! I LOVE them! So CUTE! I don't know which one I like the most because they are all fabulous! Oh, if you haven't already stopped by, I'm having a SCENTSY give away and I'd love you to enter!

  3. I wanted to let you know that I received the sweet items you sent. They arrived yesterday, and I loved all of them! They're wonderful. My girls were just as excited as I was too :-) Thank you so much Aubrey. You're a sweetie.

  4. Found you through Marcia at Blessedmom's Simple Home and you are a girl after my own heart with all of this white & vintage. Happy to have met you, Aubrey. I'd love if you stopped by some time. Off to peek around some more. The creations that I've seen so far are simply beautiful!


  5. Oh my gosh! Those are so cute! Auntie Bliss at BlissityDoodah said I needed to come visit and follow you and she was right!
